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programme, inflation will be brought
0 0
down in the times ahead.“
said, adding that „we have to open our doors to import“.
Speaking to, Pakistan-Kuwait
as it would give the country an economic
road map during the next nine months.
Secondly, it would reduce uncertainty
regarding the balance of payments [...] and make it easier
for companies to make decisions,“ he added.
President of Pakistan Businessmen
Jméno (Povinné)
Mail (nebude zveřejněn) (Povinné)
programme, inflation will be brought
down in the times ahead.“
said, adding that „we have to open our doors to import“.
Speaking to, Pakistan-Kuwait
as it would give the country an economic
road map during the next nine months.
Secondly, it would reduce uncertainty
regarding the balance of payments [...] and make it easier
for companies to make decisions,“ he added.
President of Pakistan Businessmen